Duration: 8 hour
Check-in: 15 min prior to departure
Price: 65 euro (adult) / 32,50 euro (child)
This tour will bring you through Haarlem, the capital of the province North Holland. The first tulip cultivators came from this town. In Haarlem we are close by the dunes; the natural protection against the sea. Tulip bulbs need sand and clay for a better growth.

From here we show you the beautiful flower fields. The fields are a magic carpet of daffodils, hyacinths and tulips, in any colour you can imagine. Especially during the last two weeks of April it is very beautiful.
Later on we arrive at the park the Keukenhof. In the 15th century it was owned by lady Jacoba of Bavaria. She loved to walk in the forest where she searched for vegetables and herbs. She used those for her hobby which was cooking. She called the forest her Kitchen garden; “de Keukenhof”.
The park is now property of the bulb growers. It is in total 32 acres with flowering Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and Narcissus. Unique as well are the various flower shows in the pavilions.

It is the most beautiful flower park in the world. An overwhelming display of colours, a feast for your eyes and wonderful to take pictures of!
All prices are subject to change, mentioned prices are based on a minimum number of 9 participants. Depending on the number of participants the rate can be adjusted.