Duration: 4 hourCheck-in: 15 min prior to departurePrice: 30 euro (adults) This is a 4 hours city tour in which we combine […]
Duration: 4 hourCheck-in: 20 min prior to departurePrice: 31 euro (adult) Departure time: 10.00 and 14.00 On bikes we will show you […]
The Reguliersdwarsstraat is known for the gay bars
Duration: 4 hourCheck-in: 10 min prior to departurePrice: 35 euro (adult) Since the Middle-ages Amsterdam has been one of the most tolerant […]
Tour guide Jacky
I have over 25 years of experience as a tour guide. I am a flexibel and helpfull person, I am […]
Tour guide Karin
My work is my hobby; for many years already it brings me great joy to show you the town where […]
Duration: 4 hourCheck-in: 15 min prior to departure As you probably know, the Dutch mount their bike almost everyday, from young to […]
Duration: 1,5 hourCheck-in: 15 min prior to departurePrice: 19,50 euro (adult) / 16 euro (child) Sliding through the canals at night, does […]
Duration: 13 hourCheck-in: 20 min prior to departureDeparture time: 8.00 a.m.Price: 85 euro (adult) / 42,50 euro (child) Passing the Dutch-Belgium border, […]